
Showing posts with the label Wearable Devices Analysis

Global "Wearable Devices Industrial Report" 2016 Market Overview, Trends, Research, survey, Growth, Analysis

Description- The report titled “Global Wearable Device Market: Trends and Opportunities (2014-2019)” provides an in-depth analysis of major wearable devices like SmartWatch, iWatch, Fitness Trackers, Google glass etc. It also assesses the key opportunities and underlying trends in the market and outlines the factors that are and will be driving the growth of the industry in the forecasted period (2014-19). Further, key players of the industry like Himax Technologies, Invensense Inc and CSR plc. have been profiled. Application Coverage Fitness Tracker Wearable Devices Non SmartWatches Wearable Devices SmartWatches Wearable Devices Smartglasses Wearable Devices Other Wearable Devices To Browse a Report Detail with TOC @ Company Coverage Himax Technologies Invensense Inc. CSR plc. Executive Summary The global wearable de...