
Showing posts with the label Nuclear Energy

Global Nuclear Energy Market: Trends & Opportunities (2013-2018)

Description- Executive Summary Nuclear power has been used to produce electricity for public distribution since 1954 and electricity generated via nuclear power reached its highest level of 3280 terawatts hours in 2011. However, the growth rate of electricity produced via nuclear energy reduced marginally in 2012 as a result of an accident at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in Japan. Globally the Fukushima Daiichi accident is expected to slow the growth of nuclear power but not reverse it. The growth of nuclear power industry is strong, despite concerns about the safety of nuclear power plants. An increase in demand of electricity and growing concern for the environment is likely to drive the nuclear energy market. To Browse a Report Detail with TOC @ Electricity produced through nuclear energy is considered the most viable method as there are envi...