Blackrock Microsystems, LLC - Product Pipeline Analysis, 2016 Update
Description- Summary Blackrock Microsystems , LLC (Blackrock) is a medical device company that designs and sells tools for neuroscience. The companys products include electrodes, behavioral systems, headstages, data simulation systems, data acquisition systems, adapters, video system and analysis software. Its data acquisition products include NeuroPort-human, Cerebus-animal, and CerePlex direct-small animal. Blackrocks electrodes include microelectrode arrays, Utah array, array inserter and surgical training. The company provides tools for neural engineering and neuroprosthetics research and clinical community. It serves pharma development, healthcare and personalized medicine sectors. The company operates in Germany, China, Japan, Taiwan, Singapore, India, and South Korea. Blackrock is headquartered in Salt Lake, Utah, the US. To Browse a Report Detail with TOC @ ...